Friday 2 October 2009

Update 9

As mentioned in the Myspace update, I'm very tired and had a lot going on at work. This has two effects, firstly it means this post will be somewhat short, secondly most of my ideas for the storyline are still on my PDA as I haven't had time to transfer them over in all honesty.

But the storyline for the second book is going along strongly, new ideas coming at me when I least expect it. Usually as I'm trying to sleep, but that's why I keep my PDA close-by at all times, for those moments of inspiration!

I know you'll be wondering about the chapter, I am too, it's coming along quite well, but with the slow progress I think I'm going to have to whip up a few sample paragraphs in the mean time to act as tasters until my laptop can help me power through the chapter itself. The paragraphs will (hopefully) be finished this weekend as I don't have much planned apart from a trip to Homebase and getting things ready to transfer files off the PC.

Once the sample paragraphs are finished and proofed a lucky few will receive them in their inboxes. I'm hoping for detailed feedback but really I'd be happy with knowing if it was good or bad.

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